已经在坊间尽头风靡的“黄色短信”因为传播太广、影响恶劣而使关系部门颁布规定赐与退却。在外洋三隅 倫 巨乳,许多青少年用手机在传送的可不仅限于“黄色短信”,他们还互发我方的艳照等好意思妙文献。传奇,他们这么作念是为了清楚好友之间的一家无二。这种看成叫作念sexting。
A combination of the words "sex" and "texting," the term “sexting” refers to the act of sending sexually explicit text messages - or pictures of oneself - instantly over a mobile phone.
Sexting is a result of advances in technology enabling new forms of social interaction. Messages with sexual content have been exchanged over all forms of historical media. Newer technology allows photographs and videos, which are intrinsically more explicit and have greater impact. A social danger with sexting is that material can be very easily and widely promulgated, over which the originator has no control.
“性短信”是新的酬酢格式发展技巧不停卓越的遵守。其实,带有色情实质的信息长久以来一直在各式传统弁言中传送。新兴的技巧不错传送图片和视频三隅 倫 巨乳,这使得信息实质愈加直不雅,影响力也就更大。“性短信”带来的社会危害之一是短信实质不错被松弛地过去传播,而始发送者对此却无法可想。
无手机张惶症 nomophobia
日日鲁夜夜啪在线视频手机幻听 ringxiety
“珍重策画”酬酢网站 friendiligence
误拨电话 butt call/pocket call
Sexually explicit text messages get American teens in trouble
(英语点津 Helen 剪辑)
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